Tuesday, 13 October 2015

This is only the beginning...

Hello world, and welcome to my blog. Despite having experience with other forms of social media, this is the first (daunting, but exciting) time I have entered the blogosphere. So, what am I doing here? Over the course of the next 3 months I will be exploring the complex relationship between climate change and water in the continent of Africa.

Water is the essence of life. We humans can only survive 3 days without it. It is a fundamental element, not only for domestic use, but also for industry and agriculture. Climate change means that the things we have become accustomed to and take for granted, may be on the brink of drastic distortion, or even extinction! This is a pressing issue which requires immediate global attention to avoid putting millions of lives at risk. I care, and so should you.

Throughout this journey I will be investigating a broad range of topics including (but not limiting myself to) changes to existing weather patterns, impacts on water supply and quality, and impacts on agriculture, health and ecosystems. The distribution, supply, and access of water in Africa may notably change as we move into an uncertain, warmer future. As a physical geographer with a passion for all things climate-related, I will focus mostly on the physical science of the matter, but I will also address the social and political implications. Rather than adopting a strict agenda, I intend to go with the flow (pun intended) and follow my evolving interests as the blog and surrounding literature develops.

In my next post I will be delving into the depths of climate change, sorting fact from fiction, and specifically exploring the current water situation in Africa.

In the mean time, check out the short video below which sets the scene for some of the main features I'll be covering over the next few months.


  1. Great first post! Can't wait to read your next one!

  2. Good to see you engaging with such an important subject - really looking forward to seeing where this goes!

  3. Looking forward to hearing your views in the upcoming posts!
